Think the bass is
taking away from the vocal?
No, not really. Maybe.
It sounds balanced to me.
It's taking away from my vocal.
Take the bass down
and bring up the vocal.
Let's do it, Nick. You heard him.
Want to take it from the top?
Yeah, let's try it.
I think we should repeat that again.
It's definitely cool.
Let's lay it down.
Want to lay it down?
Were we rolling on that rehearsal?
Is he going to fuck me in the ass?
Is that what you want?
It would be nice.
Fuck her in the ass.
Lock and load. Jack.
I was going to take a pottery class
at Everywoman's Village..
I want to do that.
We'll do that.
Mondays, Wednesdays,
and Fridays at three.
I was thinking something.
I was going to see about
taking the GED.
Do you know what that is?
For high school. To graduate.
I never got my diploma. I feel bad.
I think you were right about that.
You should do it, Rollergirl.