Boogie Nights

I love him, Rollergirl. I really
love the stupid jerk.

I love you, Mom.
I want you to be my mom, Amber.
Are you my mom?

I'll just ask you
if you're my mom, okay?

And you say "yes," okay?
Are you my mom?

Yes, honey, I am.
Hold on. Now, look. Come on.
All right? All we need
is the tapes, Burt.

No, you don't get them
until you pay.

In our situation that doesn't
make any fucking sense!

We can't pay the price
of the demo tapes

unless we take the demo tapes to
the record company and get paid!

That's not an M.P., that's a Y.P.
Your problem!

Come up with the money
and I'll give you the tapes.

You're talking above my head.
I don't know this industry jargon.
Y.P., M.P., whatever. Okay?

All I know is that I cannot get
a record contract.

We cannot get a contract...
unless I take these tapes.
And granted, the tapes themselves
are yours.

You own them, okay?
But the magic that is
on the tapes...

that heart and soul we put into
those tapes, that is ours.

And you don't own that.
Now, I need to take that magic and
get it to the record company!

They're waiting. We were supposed
to be there half an hour ago.

We look like assholes
right now, man!

I don't want to do this anymore.
I can't. Let's have fun now.
Let's just go and go. Because it's
over. There's too many things.

Too many things. Too many things.
Let's go walk.
I don't want to leave this room.
Me either!
I love you, honey.
I love you, Mom.

Let me explain to him...
in simple arithmetic.
One, two, three.

Because you don't
fucking get it, Burt!

You give us the tapes, we
get the record contract...

we come and give you your money.
