The times we spent.
- Doing nothing sometimes.
- Doing everything.
- It didn't matter what we did.
- Anything.
- It was just so good.
- It was like a drug.
Every day, whatever I was doing,
the whole world was beautiful.
Everything that didn't make sense
before, all of a sudden...
It was being alive again.
It was like I'd been dead,
and now I was alive again.
Hope, I guess. That's what it was.
Believing in everything
again, you know?
I liked the way I looked.
I stopped checking the scale.
- I stopped smoking. I stopped smoking.
- I stopped punishing myself.
- I felt good about myself.
- I felt like I could do anything.
I used to get so excited
I would shake.
Every time I knew
I was going to see him...
...there was, like, this electricity
coming out of me.
You know, people would say:
"What's going on? You look great.
What've you been doing?"
- I was on a roll.
- I was strong.
I was relaxed.
I was like a pig in shit.
- Everything came together suddenly.
- All the loose ends.
- All the fear. All the anxiety.
- Sometimes...
...you don't even know
you're in pain until it goes away.
- And then the relief.
- The joy.
- When I saw him...
- I laid eyes on her...
- I knew.
- Right away.
- This was it.
- Really it.