Hi. Are you surprised? Really?
So am I. I'm surprised at myself.
...I miss you. I do.
Well, six weeks is a long time.
No sex, I mean, six.
My phone, Darren.
Say what again? I miss you? Okay.
I miss you. Okay?
Are you happy now? Okay.
You don't have to do that.
You don't have to say it because
I said it. I didn't say it so... You do?
That's nice.
I hate not seeing you.
And I feel more
comfortable on the phone.
We do better on the phone.
Have you noticed that? We do.
We're nicer to each other.
And if we were on the phone and one of
us was out of town, it was even better.
Look, if you were in Australia
right now, I'd ask you to marry me.
Stop that. Don't be dirty.
Stop it.
...l've been thinking.
There used to be reasons for people
to be together, to stay together...
... like stability and security
and even kids.