A couple words, looks,
wrong moves and bang...
...it's over. Then you break up...
...find somebody else
and start all over.
I can't do that.
I did it with you. I...
I can't do it with somebody else.
All that time to get someplace
with her that I'm already at with you?
That hit me. It hit me.
We can't quit. We have something.
We can't just throw it away.
Okay, I admit,
it's a failure, but it's ours.
It's not the end. That's too easy.
It's the place to start from.
It's two and a half years
of our lives. It's an investment.
All that pain to get to zero?
Okay, well, now we're here.
You know, we've got nothing.
Nothing works.
We're finished. Total. Complete.
Everything we had is gone. We haven't
got a hope, a prayer or a chance.
That's it. I really think
we should get married.
I'm free Thursday.
You want to get married then?
- Don't do that.
- What?
- Don't make jokes.
- Well...
This isn't easy.
Do you think this is easy for me?
This is important, all right?
People are living real lives
with problems.
We're running around like teenagers.
She loves me. She loves me not. I love
her. Who gives a fuck, all right?
I want this over with. I want it out
of the way. Final. Total. Complete.
Married. The two of us.
So we can stop wasting time
and do something with our lives.
- One way to look at it.
- The only way.
- What about divorce? People...
- No. No divorce.
No question of divorce.
Divorce is out.
- Then we should get married in Iran.
- Yes. Fine. Good.
- But I'd have to wear a veil for life.
- They take them off in the house.