I'm sure he's hunky-dory.
- Hiya.
- Hi.
- Thanks.
- Ta.
I feel so guilty.
Well, we can't hang on
to his stuff forever, can we?
Won't be the first time
it's happened to him.
- The tutors don't give a fuck, you know.
- Probably gone to his nan's.
- Shall I try and get his address
off the registrar at college?
- Yeah.
- Then we can write him a letter, see if he's okay.
- Good thinking, Watson.
It's elementary.
He said first left, didn't he?
- Oh, it's this one.
- Oh, yeah.
Don't forget. If he's not there,
we'll just say we're passing through.
- Oh, yeah. We don't want
to frighten his nan, do we?
- That's right.
- Is it this one?
- That's, uh, number five.
Uh... Oh, no, it's this one.
There's no bell. Well, come over here.
Don't leave it all to me.
- Yes?
- Hello.
Hello. Uh, does Ricky live here?
Uh-huh. Why?
- We're friends of his.
- Yeah, we're just passing through.
- Oh.
- Is he in?
He's not in any trouble, is he?
- No!
- No, nothing like that.
We're at college with him.
Oh? From London?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah.
Oh. He's gone out.
- Ah.
- Do you know when he's gettin' back?