Con Air

Shit. Did you see that motherfucker,
man? He spontaneously combusted.

He's a fuckin' witch doctor, man.
I seen that shit on Discovery Channel.

- Code red! Code red!
- Chantin' and shit.
- Fire in the rear cabin.

- I've got a fire.
- Where is it?
- She's reporting it in the rear cabin.

At first I thought he was singin'
"Y.M.C.A." Then the flames.

Holy shit!
Hold on, Bobby!

Gimme a Taser!
Hey, man,
get off my insulin!

Bobby, open the door!
Open the goddam door!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Pinball, go!
Pull the lever. Go! Go!

Pinball, behind you!
Get the gun out of the lock box, Mack.
Go on back there, check it out.

Go! Go!
- Oh, my God.
- Say there was a disturbance
but everything's under control.

Say it,
or I will kill you.

Without me, you got nobody
to fly the plane.

I never think
that far ahead.

All right, I'm doin' it.
Just take it easy.

And if you say a word about this over
the radio, the next wings you see...

will belong to the flies buzzing
over your rotting corpse.
