Look at him.
can you swim, man?
The water main broke all the way
up on 40th Street and 7th Avenue.
They say the subway's a damn river.
What's up, Jerry?
What are you thinking?
Water mains don't usually break
unless it's wintertime.
The pipes burst open
because it's cold.
It's only the first of October.
Reminds me of life in the delta.
Yeah, Mississippi, all right.
Mekong, my friend.
Flip, did I ever tell you
that the whole Vietnam War. . .
. . .was fought over a bet. . .
. . .that Howard Hughes lost
to Aristotle Onassis?
And they used my legs for a wishbone.
Nearly snapped my butt in half.
-Yeah, they owe you.
-No, you owe me!
I'll get you tomorrow.
-You too! Take it easy, Flip.
73, 74. . .
. . .75, 76. . . .
Not bad. 1 :31 .
I can do that a couple more times.
More if I have to.
Don't think I will.