Conspiracy Theory

The Jerry Garcia file.
I didn't. . . .
Yes, I did!

You know why The Grateful Dead
are always on tour?

Because they're all British agents,
intelligence agents. They're spies.

Jerry Garcia himself has
a double-0 rating, just like James Bond.

Jerry Garcia's dead.
That's what they want you to think.
Is this supposed to protect you
from aliens or something?

No, it's just a beer bottle.
Follow me.
come into my humble abode.
Here we go.
Want something to drink?
coffee. . .
. . .if that's okay.
No, coffee's our friend.
coffee's our friend.
It's fine.

I keep the beans in the fridge.
keeps them fresher, makes better coffee.

Papa Leoni told me that.
He's dead now.
Nice old guy.

"I love the delicate shadow. . .
. . .of she wanting me to be. "
I can't seem to remember
this combination. Want some juice?
