That's it?
No. How would I know?
I'm not one of them.
I'm just horsing around.
How many subscribers?
Let's see.
But I think it's probably got
something to do with the economy.
You think one of them
is not who they seem?
You think it might be one of they?
That could be.
Of course!
You have a list?
A subscriber's list?
Yes, right over here.
I thought you meant
some other kind of. . . .
Big Holden caulfield fan?
Not really.
You just like the story?
Not especially, no.
You've got a dozen copies
of this book.
I know.
I know.
There's more of them in here.
Under the bed too.
I don't know why,
but whenever I see one. . .
. . .I have to buy it.
And if I don't see one. . .
. . .then I have to find one. . .
. . .to buy. . .
. . .so I can feel normal.