Are you a student or something?
I'm a writer.
I'm writing a book.
I'm here doing research about how
technology affects Third World cultures.
I'm also looking for this guy,
David Drumlin.
He's head of the National Science
Foundation. I want an interview.
I take it you know him?
You could say that.
That's fringe!
I've crossed paths with him. Something
like that must really chap his ass.
That's for you.
You better keep this.
Might save your life someday.
Have dinner with me tonight?
I don't make a good research subject.
I'm not quotable.
No quotes.
Scout's honor.
Good meal, good company.
I've got to go.
Drumlin's coming in Tuesday.
Now I remember why I took that desk job.
Dr. Drumlin, how are you?
Glad you could make it.
If I'd known it took 3 planes,
I might've reconsidered.
How is that new office?
Still settling in. They already want to
give half my budget to the Pentagon.
Still waiting for E.T. to call?
Good to see you too!
Looks like it's
going to be a long night.
Science must be accountable to
the people paying for it, the taxpayers.
We must stop wasting money
on pie-in-the-sky abstractions...