...a whole planet called Venus...
...which should be over there soon.
He said,
"You know why they called it Venus?
Because they thought
it was so beautiful and glowing.
But they didn't know...
...that it's filled with...
...deadly gases and sulfuric acid rain."
Wow, I thought,
"This is it! I'm hooked!"
There are four hundred billion
stars out there...
...just in our galaxy alone.
If only one out of a million
of those had planets...
...if just one out of a million
of those had life...
...and if just one out of a million
of those had intelligent life...
...there would be literally millions
of civilizations out there...
If there wasn't...
...it'd be an awful waste of space.
So I was lying there,
just looking at the sky.
And then I felt something.
I don't know.
All I know is that I wasn't alone.
For the first time in my life
I wasn't scared of nothing...
...not even dying.
It was God.
And there's no chance that...
...you had this experience because
some part of you needed to have it?
I'm a reasonably intelligent guy,
but this....