Come on!
It's restarting.
Wait a minute.
Those are numbers.
That was 3, before it was 2.
Base 10 numbers.
Count and see how far we get.
Those are primes.
2, 3, 5, 7 are all prime numbers.
No way that's a natural phenomenon!
Let's just calm down
and pull up the star file on Vega.
It doesn't make any sense.
The system is too young.
It can't have a planetary system...
...let alone life
or a technological civilization.
Maybe they're not from there,
they're visiting.
Spacecraft? This system's full
of debris. It'd get clobbered.
Not if they used their
laser blasters and photon torpedoes.
- That's not funny.
- How else can we explain it!
He's right. If we go public
with this and we're wrong...
...it's over. We're cooked.
I wish Kent was here.
Whatever it is, let's do something.
Vega will set.
Position confirmed.
We've got 4.4623 gigahertz, confirmed.
We've got 1 12 janskys.
Do you have a source location yet?
We put it right smack in the middle.
Thanks. Keep tracking
and we'll get back to you.
101 . The pulse sequenced...
...through every prime number
between 2 and 101 .
Who do we call now?