The rumors are flying,
the implications extraordinary.
Detection of an unidentified...
...radio source from space
can neither be confirmed nor denied.
But the military arriving....
Sources close to the VLA
report they have been contacted...
...by some form of intelligent being...
...living outside our solar system.
Again, there is no confirmation.
I want all of these people out of here.
Where's the girl?
22 stations worldwide...
...now confirm the signal.
Vega's now below our horizon.
You're hearing the signal
from the Russian--
Get decryption people here.
Lunacharsky's visiting at Cal Tech.
Explain this to me.
If the source of the signal is so
sophisticated...why the remedial math?
Why not just speak English?
Maybe because 70% of the planet
speaks other languages.
Mathematics is the
only truly universal language.
It's no coincidence
that they're using primes.
I don't get it.
Prime numbers.
Integers only divisible
by themselves and 1 .
We think this may be a beacon,
an announcement...
...to get our attention.
If it's attention you want,
you got that. One thing: Vega.
People have looked at Vega for years,
with no results.
Yesterday they start
broadcasting primes. Why?
It's hardly yesterday.
The signal's been transmitting
for 26 years.
Excuse me, who are you?
Michael Kitz,
National Security Advisor.
Your reputation--
First, ask the gentlemen
with the guns to wait outside.
This is a civilian facility.
With all due respect--
Excuse me.