...until such time as the President...
...can decide the most suitable
course of action. Understood?
This is CNN Breaking News.
The President
called the message from Vega...
..."a stunning insight
into our universe--"
Attendance at religious services
has risen a dramatic 39% in recent days.
...as police clashed
with neo-Nazi protesters.
So, there's life on other planets.
Boy, this will really change
the Miss Universe contest.
Health officials worldwide are concerned
that the message from Vega...
...might trigger
a rash of mass suicides...
...not unlike recent cult deaths
near San Diego--
Even a scientist must admit...
...there are some pretty serious
religious overtones to all this.
Here's someone whose organization...
...is accused of conducting
its own inquisition:
Richard Rank,
head of the Conservative Coalition.
Thank you.
This is yet another example of science
intruding into matters of faith.
This means they
have been reacting to TV signals...
...from the 1930's.
They're just getting them.
Imagine how disappointed
they'll be if they're Cubs fans.
We now go to Jeremy Roth,
who is reporting...
...from the Very Large Array
near Socorro, New Mexico.
Like a bolt from the blue it came.
"The Message from Vega" has caused...
...thousands of believers
and non-believers...
...to descend upon the VLA facility
here in the desert of New Mexico.
Many have come to protest,
many to pray...
...but most have come to participate
in what's become the best show in town.
Well, I saw the thing
coming out of the sky
It had one long horn and one big eye
I commenced to shaking
and said Oo-ee
Looks like a Purple People Eater to me