...have disclosed that Dr. Arroway...
...appears to now be the front-runner
for the Machine seat.
"Meet me at noon.
Must talk."
I didn't expect a message
like this from you.
Thanks for coming.
Is this kosher?
Fraternizing with the enemy?
Selectors and selectees
mingling around?
Can we talk about Einstein?
Yeah, sure.
Special relativity.
This Machine...
...if it works, you travel
to Vega at the speed of light.
- When you come back--
- If you come back.
If you come back...
...you'll be 4 years older, but over
50 years will have passed here on Earth.
And everybody that you care about...
...will be gone, dead and buried.
If you came back,
if you survived at all....
Look, Palmer, nobody's saying
this isn't dangerous.
The rest of the candidates and myself
understand the risks we're taking.
It's a historic opportunity.
The world needs--
You, Ellie. You!
You personally.
By doing this,
you're willing to give your life.
You're willing to die for it.
From as long as I can remember,
I've been searching for...
...some reason why we're here.
What are we doing here? Who are we?
If this is a chance to find out
even a part of that answer....
I don't know,
I think it's worth a human life.
Don't you?
You're an incredibly brave woman, Ellie.
Or incredibly nuts.