As a scientist...
...I rely on empirical evidence,
and in this matter...
...I don't believe
that there's data either way.
So your answer would in fact be
that you don't believe in God.
I don't understand the relevance
of the question.
95% of the world's population...
...believes in a Supreme Being
in one form or another.
I believe that makes the question
more than relevant.
I believe....
I believe I've already
answered that question.
I'm proud of what
we've achieved as a species...
...and as a civilization.
I would hate to see
everything we stand for...
...all that we have fought for
for a thousand generations...
...all that God has blessed us with...
...in the final hour because we sent a
representative who did not put our...
...most cherished beliefs first.
Thank you.