Frequency 9.85.
Harmonics in the green.
G-level 1.1.
- 5%.
- Confirmed. We are at 5%.
David, how's it looking to you?
Okay. I'm going to take a look
and show you what we got.
Instrumentation looks good.
We have a good picture
from Dr. Drumlin's PRD.
Hope you guys are seeing
what I'm seeing.
All systems are go.
This is really something!
For purposes of this test...
...Dr. Drumlin will be on top of the
Gantry crane that's over the Machine.
We've got some video animation...
...to show just how this Machine--
it is thought--will work.
The passenger pod will release.
It will come down through the center of
the rings and into the Machine's core.
The question everyone
here is asking is...
...what happens then?
Some believe the rings function as some
sort of an accelerator or something...
...sending its energy into the pod...
...making it rocket away
at near light speed.
Others believe it might open up
a doorway to some other dimension.
Who's right?
That's what today's test is all about.
- 35%.
- Subsystems ready?
40% normal acceleration.
Confirm 40%.
Controllers stand by
to initiate drop sequence...
...on my mark.
All systems ready for drop sequence.
We're in 45%.
Verify closure.
All controllers stand by to initiate
IPV drop sequence. On my mark.
I'm feeling a very strange vibration.
- Are you feeling it down there?
- Gerry, can you confirm?
Everything looks good.
Crew Ops?
Nothing wrong.
We see nothing abnormal here.
No good. Hold sequence.
I'll take a direct reading.
What's he talking about?
Can anyone say grandstanding?