Only, this one can be kept secret.
Controlled by Americans...
...built by Japanese subcontractors...
...who also happen to be...
...recently acquired...
...wholly-owned subsidiaries...
...of Hadden Industries.
They still want
an American to go, Doctor.
Want to take a ride?
Augmenting our restraint and...
...communications console subsystem...
...is your personal recording unit.
Normal, infrared and ultraviolet lenses.
Digital microchip good for
thousands of hours of recording.
Okay, look, I understand...
...the reason for recording
and documenting the mission.
But I just want to go on record
one more time.
The transmitted specs
never said anything about any chair...
...or a restraining harness...
...or survival gear.
Why can't we just trust the original--
Doctor, both the IMC Board
and the SI team reviewed the material...
...and concluded
that the design impact is negligible.
Bottom line is...
...we're not putting anyone
aboard this Machine...