Control, if you're reading me...
...I am okay to go!
Okay to go!
All tips are on the profile.
90%. We're detecting
some structural instability.
- Is she holding?
- We're within limits, barely.
I'm okay to go!
I'm okay to go!
My God!
Okay to go!
I'm okay!
100% target velocity.
Tremendous EMI levels around Machine!
Field measurements are off-scale.
We're approaching our abort limits.
Okay to go.
I hear her!
I hear her.
Barely, but she's there.
Okay to go.
Says she's okay to go.
Steve, we're real close.
- Your core reading?
- Internal environment looks normal.
Inside the core,
the weather's beautiful.
I'm okay to go.
I'm okay to go.
Initiate drop sequence.
On my mark.
I'm okay to go.
Oh, God!