And I want the river sealed, too,
both directions.
- That's the Niagara River, sir.
- I know. I want it closed.
See, downriver, closer to Lake Ontario...
the Coast Guard's on our side,
Canadian Coast Guard on their side.
They've both been alerted.
But up here, we got a lot of rapids.
We can't use regular boats there.
You have to use those Zodiac boats.
Neither the Coast Guard
nor the police have any.
Fine. Borrow some men from
the Coast Guard. Rent some of those boats.
Buy them if you have to, but block the river.
- We are ready for you, John.
- All right. Let's take this inside.
- You okay, John?
- Yeah, I'm fine, Henry.
Potter himself, seen here in file footage,
was wounded by flying debris...
and was hospitalized for 16 weeks,
during which time...
his wife of 26 years
died of an unrelated illness.
I didn't watch those hearings, you?
After weeks of congressional investigation...
Potter was exonerated of wrongdoing
in the massive explosion.
Indeed, some observers credit the FBI...
with avoiding
a much more serious disaster...
had the bomb gone off in the original target.
Still, critics of the FBI voiced protest
over Potter's return to his high-level post...
and Houston has been coupled with Waco
in the minds of many.
Except for his congressional testimony,
Potter has never made any public...
Pardon me, Mr. Potter.
And in case anybody is interested,
that's still true.
I have nothing to say about Houston.
Okay, let's all get up to speed.
We've established
a threat management team here...
myself, my intelligence officer,
Henry Lebow...
my communications officer, Toby Geller,
and Capt. Budd, who'll serve as my deputy.
There will also be a containment officer
who I haven't picked yet.
All right.
At 1:30 this morning, these three escaped...
from the Lewisburg Maximum Security
Federal Penitentiary in central Pennsylvania.
Theodore Jeremiah Handy.
Shephard Wilcox.
Ray "Sonny" Bonner.
Handy is serving a life sentence
for robbery, arson and murder.