In France I could run on
that slogan and win.
I'm a Jew. I was born a Jew.
Do you hate me because of that?
And if our parents converted...
to Catholicism a month before you
were born, we'd be Catholics.
They're clubs.
They're exclusionary.
They foster the concept of
"the other"...
so you know who to hate.
That's enough!
A question: If a Jew
gets massacred...
does it bother you more than
if it's a Gentile...
or a black or a Bosnian?
Yes, it does. I can't help it.
It's my people.
They're all your people.
Burt is right about you.
You're a self-hating Jew.
I may hate myself,
but not because I'm Jewish.
Not a self-hating Jew,...
but look how he talks about them
in his stories.
Max and Dolly Pincus
were married for 30 years.
They raised two children...
participated generously at
family weddings and bar mitzvahs.
Max, How are you?
Mazel tov. Here, for Donald.
Thank you, Max.
You got a private minute?
Sure. We're leaving anyhow
in a few minutes.
I don't know if
I should tell you.
What? Tell me what?
Tell me, and I'll tell you
if you should tell me.
My heart is heavy.
Nothing terrible happened
to your husband Phil, did it?
He's been dead for so many years.
When I was in Florida last week...
I ran into a man...
who heard from someone
who knew someone who...
it seems Max has some secret
from his past.
You're talking about my Max?
-A dark secret.
-What kind of a dark secret?
What is by you dark?
I don't know.
What kind of dark secret?
We've been married for 30 years.