You're his first wife?
Sure I'm his first wife.
Before me, he worked for...
You heard something different?
I heard only a dark secret.
Do I know what?
Who told you?
Wolf Fishbein.
Be careful, Dolly.
That's all I want to say.
Dolly tried putting Elsie's words
out of her mind...
but Max's dark secret
plagued her.
Then one day she ran into
Wolf Fishbein...
and the truth was revealed.
Try to breathe deeply.
Elsie, you were right.
Fishbein told me a tale.
Max, before I met him,
lived in Florida.
He had a store. Groceries.
He was married.
Now it comes out!
To a woman...
with two children.
Max had other children?
No. The woman's children.
From a prior marriage.
He began an affair...
with the downstairs neighbor,
a widow.
He probably had all his hair then.
Meanwhile, he got into debt.
Deeper and deeper.
And then carry on
with the neighbor.
Oy, my heart!
He can't get himself out
of a predicament.
So what does he do?
He stole money.
I should be so lucky!
He killed his wife!
The man purchased an ax.
With an ax?
You know Max.
He's nothing with tools.
He can't even hang a picture.
I'm dropping dead!
Plus her children!
Plus the neighbor!
Four people he killed
in one night with an ax.
Your Max?