- The Bureau made me shave it off.
- They did?
It was the only thing
I liked about thisjob.
- Sherry's got a boyfriend?
- She does.
Nice kid.
He's so nice.
He's on the wrestling team.
I'll bet
he's on the wrestling team.
Kerry's doing the catechism.
So sweet.
And they're swimming.
Coach says he's never seen
nothing like it.
There's a meet Saturday.
What am I gonna do?
We'll see.
You know I wouldn't do this toyou
ifl didn't thinkyou could handle it.
I'm not worried about me.
Come here.
All right,
what's going on, kids?
Am I getting the silent treatment?
I'll make a bet with you.
I'll betyou $20...
thatyou can't get through
this meal without saying three words.
- All right?
- You lose.