Sonny Black they make skipper.
I ain't a mutt.
Thirtyyears busting my hump.
Forwhat? A lion.
I'm like the invisible man
in this thing.
Five hours ago, you thought
you was gonna get whacked.
- Did I say I was gonna get whacked?
- Not in so manywords.
I don't understand you.
How manywords does it take?
You're right.
I misunderstood.
Thirtyyears I'm earning.
Anywork to be done,
call Lefty.
I never complained.
Twenty-six guys I clipped.
Do I get upped?
No, they pass me by.
Sonny Black gets upped.
I don't get fucking upped.
Sonnywas probably in on
whacking the boss.
Ofcourse he was.
Whacking the boss.
Another think I get left out of.
But let me tell you what.
Look at that.
I wish I had that boat again,
that Bertram.
I'd get in my carwith a net,
I'd drive down to the pier...
I'd get on that boat,
and I'd go.
East, west, north, south,
nobody ever fiind me.
Look at this thing.
It's a fucking insult.
You're fullofsweetsurprise
Keep thatgoodness coming
Let's go! Come on!