Underwater lasers.
One metre below the surface.
They destroy anything they contact.
lf they don't get you,
the undertow will.
- No one ever escaped?
- No one.
A certain Bryce was the last to try.
Before the lasers were installed.
Poor fellow didn't survive 48 hours.
His ''guardian'' took care of him.
Each resident has a guardian,
without knowing who it is.
The guardian observes the resident's
attitude, behaviour and production.
lf the resident escapes,
the guardian terminates him.
- How have you hidden this place?
- A masking device. We're invisible.
- Hello, Kathryn?
- Hello?
- l hope l'm not disturbing you.
- No . . .
This is Maria Trifioli
from the Galleria Luna in Rome.
We'd like to arrange an exhibition
of your sculptures. Surprised?