That's his heartbeat. Don't be late.
l wouldn't take this car.
l'm glad to see you can still play.
Check in to Hotel Navona in Rome.
Your baby's due tomorrow.
That's his heartbeat ...
Don't spoil the paint job.
l'm protecting my investment. But
this is too much. l want the codes.
- l need transportation to Rome.
- Transportation, you say?
l have some connections around here.
lf they can make it, l can steal it.
We'll blend in, in this.
So that's why you're dressed
like a carrot with earrings.
Damn bicycles.
Get out of the way!
l have them. They're on
the autostrada to Rome.
That checks with our information.
Quin's wife is at the Regina.
Splendid !
We've got a game going.