Responsibility is something ... - See?!
On the Road.
Together on
the same road. "22 February 1968...
For Eva from Karl."
I can't borrow this?
You can keep it, if you like.
- It's from your husband!
lf he were alive
he'd give it to you himself.
Thank you. -What's this?
They're stones.
Forthe Museum.
I love stones.
Ridiculous, huh? - No, not at all.
Sometimes I see them
as people. - People? What people?
People I know. This is
my father: Strong, almost perfect, ...
... a little abstract.
That's a beauty.
- It's a rose. The rose of the desert.
Is it one of yourfriends?
Oh, I touched a nerve.
Who is it?
Thanks forthe book. -You're right.
It's none of my business.
Kiss your mom for me.
If someone comes?
- They have to buy a ticket.
Who's there? - Bravo!