
Mom, I've got a surprise. Stop!
Stop, please!
- Right now? I'm not well.

You're always sick!
Inez, it's not the moment!
I've got to talk to you. Come on.
Good evening,
Tiago. - Good evening.

We wanted to tell you, Inez.
Maybe we should leave
your mother alone. - No, it's all right.

We didn't know how to ...
-We've saved some money.

You're going to
be grandmother. - Me, a grandmother?

lt can't be!
Come here Tiago! lt's fantastic!

Is it a boy
or a girl? - It's a boy.

We'll name him Tintin or Batman.
- Listen! Anyway I'm sure it's a girl.

Now you.
What did you want to tell me?

Gosh, I don't know. I forgot.
I found her!
Who? -Your Maria-No-Desires.
Don't forget the "Three Wishes."
Three days, and that is it.

This thing's eating you up.
Come on! Let's
get a drink. -Just one?

I've got another one, okay?
An Italian, an American
and a Portuguese are on an island. ...

A genie pops out of a bottle,
and says "You've got three wishes."
