Event Horizon

Did you hear that?!
You heard it. What is it?
Listen to me.
lt's DJ, all right?
Neither of us heard anything.
Just calm down. Get your breath back.
- Now, tell me.
- l was...

Make it stop!
Open the door.
Weir, stop!
Stop him!
What are you doing?!
ln our current environment,
self-control is an asset.

What is it?
Um... the forward airlock.
Miller, Smith, Cooper,
anyone in the airlock?

That's a negative, Starck.
Justin, no! Justin, open the door!
Miller, come in.
Miller, come in.
We have an emergency.

What's going on, Starck?
Justin's in the airlock.
Say again.
Justin's in the airlock
without a suit.

- l'm on it.
- No, sailor.

- Skipper, you need me.
- Stay there.

- He's engaged the override.
- Shut it down.

- l'll try.
- Coming to him, Starck.

Justin! Open this door now!
Starck, give me status.
He's engaged the override.
We can't open the door.

- l'll get the kit.
- Justin, open the door!

Justin, open the door.
Did you hear it?
- Keep him talking.
- Yes, l heard it. What is it?
