Event Horizon

We served on the Goliath together.
When the O2 tanks ruptured,
four of us made it to the lifeboat,
but Corrick was still on board
when the fire broke out.

You ever seen fire in zero gravity?
lt's beautiful.
lt's like liquid.
lt slides all over everything.
Comes up in waves.
And they just kept hitting him,
wave after wave.
He was screaming for me to save him.
What did you do?
l did the only thing l could.
l closed the lifeboat hatch,
and l left him behind.

l swore l'd never lose another man.
l've known you a long time.
You never told me that.
That's just it, DJ.
l never told anybody.

But this ship knew about it.
lt knows my fears.
lt knows my secrets.

Gets inside your head,
and it shows you.

l wasn't going to tell you this.
l've been listening
to the distress signal,

and l, um...
think l made a mistake
in the translation.

Liberate tutemet...
Go on.
l thought it said "liberate me"...
"save me."
But it's not "me."
lt's "liberate tutemet"...
"save yourself."
And it gets worse.
