
Better make time, Sean.
Recovered from the jet wreckage.
Found in Pollux Troy's

Porcelain casing.
Thermal cloak.
Nerve gas
and biological payload.

lt's enough to flatten
a square mile.

Then depending on
the prevailing winds,

the fallout'll be a tad worse
than Gulf War syndrome.

A biblical--
A biblical plague to LA.

Where is he?
Where is Pollux Troy?

Why draw the schematic if you're
not gonna build the bomb?

What, is it now a crime
in this country to exercise the mind?

- l'm interested in bomb--
- l won't say another word
until l see my brother.

Any progress?
- l need about ten minutes alone
with this guy.
- Ah, give it a rest.

You got Castor. Just go home.
Look, we're not gonna evacuate
the city on your hunch.

Look, l know Castor too well
for this to be a hunch.

You know what, just-just run
the goddam bureau any way you like.

l could put an agent in his cell.
Maybe Pollux will let it slip.

Oh, come on.
He's a paranoid sociopath.

The only person he'd talk to about
that bomb is his brother, and he's dead.

There is one other possibility.
