Look, bro, you gotta help me.
l am so fried.
lf the psychos in here
find out l'm misfiring,
we're both gonna be dead meat.
Shock treatment?
What's the matter with you?
Did they operate?
l was in a coma. Jesus, you're
still so fuckin' paranoid.
Aren't they giving you
your medication in here?
What was my medication?
Pollux, l hand-fed you
those pills for years.
Vivex. l haven't forgotten that.
lt's just everything else.
senses, my reflexes, my memory.
lt's like a tab of bad Quantrex.
l don't even know why that fucking Yeti
jumped me yesterday.
You had a sex sandwich with his wife and
his sister the night he was sent here.
l guess that explains
why he's so upset.
We're gonna blow up LA, bro.
Ain't it cool?
Oh, right. Rub my nose
in it, why don't you?
$10 million design, and now those
militia nutjobs get to keep their cash.
lt's so fucking unfair.
That bomb you built
does deserve an audience.
lt's a work of art.
lt belongs in the Louvre.
Yes, it does. Oh, well.
l guess the LA Convention
Centre'll have to do.
- What?
- Thank you.
For what?
You are so fucking pathetic.