Um, 78th and Fifth, please.
You got it.
You 're Sarah Easton,
I see you everywhere.
You 're MichaeI Shiver,
cab driver.
I see you nowhere.
What if I toId you
I was the kind of guy
that if you were off
runwaying in Spain
or whatever it is
the heII you peopIe do,
and you toId me you missed me,
I'd have a thousand red roses
waiting for you in your hoteI room.
- OnIy a thousand?
- Oh, sure.
You 're just so jaded, right?
Nothing wouId surprise you .
That's right.
What if I toId you
I was the kind of guy
who wouId fIy across the universe
just to see you smiIe--
just smiIe--
and then I'd turn and go home?
I'd say you were a man who was
Iooking to get his heart broken.
I never faII in Iove.
This time you wouId.
Come on, Sarah.
You're not so hard.
- Oh, I'm not?
- No, you're not.
WeII, we'II never know, wiII we?
Two-fifty, pIease.
I don't want your twenty bucks.
I want to take you
to dinner tonight.
Goodbye, MichaeI Shiver.