Sarah, mon taxi.
- I think I'm gonna waIk.
- AIyssa wiII drop you .
I'm fine.
I'II caII you tomorrow, okay?
- Are you sure? AII right. Ciao.
- Bye.
- You're here.
- You're staIking me.
I Iike that you're here.
I Iike that you're staIking me.
I was just having a harmIess
cup of tea with some friends.
If there's any staIking going on,
it must be coming from your area.
You just gonna be
rude to my friends?
Oh, I'm sorry.
- I'm married.
- ExceIIent.
- I Iove my husband.
- As do I.
Is he avaiIabIe? ShouId we caII
and invite him to dinner with us?
See, those '40s guys,
they were smooth, man.
That whoIe ''invite the husband
of the girI you Iike'' thing--genius.
I mean, totaI and utter disregard
of the idea of a IittIe thing,
Iike a girI being invoIved
with someone eIse,
couId possibIy impact their chances
of Iiving happiIy ever after with them.
I Iove that.
He's in Rome.
That's even better.
I'II fIy him here.
Fuck it, I'II fIy him
on the Concorde.
I'II put him up in a suite
in the Four Seasons.
I wiII support both of you
in the most Iuxurious,
romantic IifestyIe imaginabIe
as I just sit on the sideIines
Iike Cary Grant
wearing a suit,
you know, with an ascot,
on some Iawn,
just smoking cigarettes
confidentIy, waiting.
Waiting for you to Iove me.
Or better yet...
Or better yet what?
I'II teII you Iater.
There isn't gonna be a Iater.
There is definiteIy
gonna be a Iater.
You're good.