But you're not that good,
MichaeI Shiver.
Then why'd you come?
I came by accident.
The onIy accident
is you Ieaving right now.
But don't worry, 'cause it's
never gonna happen again.
Head uptown, pIease.
There wasn 't
a harder time in my life.
I felt destined to leave
the man I knew I loved,
the man I knew
I wanted to have a family witIh.
But with equal certainty.
I knew I would never leave him .
Kind of like the way I felt about
Game 6 of the '86 World Series.
There's no way in hell
the Mets could win that game.
But they did.
And I knew they would.
There are those times when you know
without a doubt that there is God.
The chills.
You just get those chills.
- What?
- That was great, Amy.
I think we got it.
What is up with you?
Where did you meet her?
In your cab?
Crazy, I Iove it. And she just
appeared outside Iast night?
- Just be carefuI, MichaeI.
- What? She's married.
She'II rip you apart.
You'II never know what hit you .
That's not fair, SaIIy.
You don't know her.
Come on, Robin, she's the most
beautifuI woman in the worId.
- See you guys.
- Bye-bye, guys.
- That sounded great.
- Thanks a Iot.
- Very nice.
- Thanks.
She's a miIIionaire.
She's the fantasy
of every man aIive.
She's got this rich,
royaI-famiIy, jet-setting husband.