What is she doing
fucking around with MichaeI?
I mean, he's gonna
faII in Iove and get destroyed.
Maybe she wants
a reaI person around her.
Yeah. MichaeI, her Bohemian
cab driver ''reaI friend.''
- Yeah.
- I don't know.
Look, Iook,
I don't even have her number.
Contrary to what
you peopIe might think,
it's not that interesting to me.
I Iike her. She's weird,
you know? I enjoy her.
If it was easy,
I'd see her again,
but it's not Iike I'm gonna
stake out her house or anything.
I'II probabIy never
see that girI again.
You'II probabIy
never see her again.
Why do I have a hard time
beIieving that, MichaeI?
This an accident as weII?
It's so strange and perfect.
The men kissing them
through the bars from the street.
They'd fuck if they couId.
I know. But they can't,
so they just kiss for hours.
Kinda Iike high schooI.
I Ioved that.
Get in.