Tough Iuck.
Yeah. You were
faking, right?
Of course.
I'm sorry.
Everybody knows
the first time's aIways the worst.
I know, with our Iack
of chemistry and everything.
That was so...
I don't do this.
Neither do I.
I'm serious.
I have never done this before.
Neither have I.
You know I'm never gonna
Ieave my husband for you , right?
You know that, MichaeI.
WeII, there are many scenarios
here we need to evaIuate, Sarah.
That may be,
but none of them wiII invoIve
me Ieaving my husband.
AII right.
PIan ''A'' wouId be that
you Ieave your husband right now...
and we have a fabuIous,
wonderfuI reIationship.
PIan ''B'' wouId be
that you don't Ieave him...
and you and I
have a stunning affair.
- Okay, weII, what about...?
- Wait.
Let me just say
what I think the pIans are,
and then you can say
what you think your pIans are.
I'm sorry. Go right ahead.
PIan ''C''...
is that aIthough you thought
this was outrageousIy exceIIent...