This is the best burger
I have ever had.
''Your eyes for anotIher bring that--
''that love, that joy, tIhat fall.
''Therefore I hum, I sigh,
''I giggle, I kiss,
''I smile, I know, I bow,
''I go,
''having had the joy,
''having had the very joy
I ever desired for you,
''only for you,
''and your fall...
for him. ''
- Do you beIieve in God?
- Yes. Do you ?
I'm trying.
Where did you
Iearn to write, MichaeI?
WiII you come on?
We're Iate!
That was reaIIy beautifuI,
what you wrote me Iast night.
That Fax Fairy seems to have
a IittIe crush on you, I think.
- It was reaIIy beautifuI.
- WiII you come on?
- Wait!
- What?
Okay, we can go now.
GIad you guys made it.
SaIIy, this is Sarah,
Sarah, SaIIy.
Hi, Sarah. SaIIy.
Nice to meet you .
Are you in this?
No, my girI Robin is the priest.
I'm from the Bronx.
ReIigion has come
in hard ways.
Unforgiving, unforgiven,
we must resurrect,
or we wiII die.
It is a question
of the authority of God...
Chicken heart.
- ...what you are wiIIing...
- Sheep heart.
- ...to endure...
- Pig heart.