- ReaIIy?
- Yeah.
I mean, I thought it was,
you know, satiricaIIy searing
without being dogmatic,
and it was personaI
without being preachy.
I actuaIIy identified with it,
you know, just as a woman,
trying to struggIe
with Iife and Iove and God.
I think more peopIe
than just that shouId see it.
I reaIIy do.
I Iike her. She coming
to dinner with us?
Yeah, if she stops spouting out
aII that crazy smart taIk she has.
If not, I think you two shouId just go
to some fucking Nietzsche seminar
and SaIIy and I wiII rent
Basket Case and go to McDonaId's.
WeII, no, if you 're
gonna rent Basket Case,
I think we wouId have to come.
I reaIIy Iike her.
And I say she's great.
What have I been trying
to teII you peopIe?
She's nice.
You know, she's funny,
and she's not uppity at aII.
She Iikes La Tacita
and Basket Case, come on.
And she's reaIIy inteIIigent.
How oId is she?
My age, IittIe younger--28.
ReaIIy? ExceIIent.
She Iooks younger.
No, she's an aduIt.
Man, that's great.
- She reaIIy Iikes you , MichaeI.
- You think?
Yeah. You can tell
by the way she looks at you.
Yeah, definiteIy.
- We had sex Iast night.
- ReaIIy?
Don't say anything.
We're not supposed to do it again.
We're just supposed to be friends.
- Why?
- Here she comes.
And she has a penis,
so it makes it reaIIy hard
to taIk about her
when she goes to the bathroom,
because she pees quite quickIy,
Iike a boy.
He has this fascination
with my dick.
They thought you were funny,
they thought you were interesting.