What about pIan ''C-c''?
What about pIan...?
If you do that again, I'm gonna
have to fuck you kinda hard.
What? If I do what again?
You remember that thing you said
you wanted me to do to you?
That's what I thought--
you're aII taIk and no action.
What do you think you're doing?
Stay caIm.
Don't struggIe.
Don't go anywhere, okay?
Sarah, you 'd better
untie your IittIe rope.
Your game's getting kinda boring.
Take your pants off.
I don't think you 're
in much of a position
to be teIIing me what to do.
Take your pants off.
You know what I have for you?
You know where it is?
Is it in your mouth?
You're sucking it now.
You're getting it hard.