Shut up!
You .
You are so beautifuI.
- Sarah.
- Yeah?
WiII you make Iove with me?
It's not Iike you to ask.
I mean...
I want you to make sweet,
soft, gentIe Iove to me.
You afraid I might not Iike it?
I Iove the way you touch me.
I Iove every way you touch me.
I know this is probabIy pushing it...
but, anywhere in this sweet,
tender Iovemaking thing
that we're gonna do,
couId a soft bed be invoIved?
Give us a call.
Number's 475-1 550.
Line 3. Max Kellerman .
You 're on tIhe air. Hello.
- Hello, this is Chris.
- How ya doin', CIhris?
I saw...