Does that feeI good?
- Can you stiII feeI me?
- Are you kidding?
It's incredibIe.
Did you come as hard
as you usuaIIy do?
What do you think?
- Maybe.
- Did you come?
Oh, come on.
Women are these weird,
''try to decipher aII their unduIations,
does it actuaIIy have
anything to do with coming?'' peopIe.
Guys are pretty straightforward.
ActuaIIy, you don't
make any noise when you come.
- Yes, I do.
- No, you don't.
You kinda Iook Iike you 're
taking a shit when you come.
Yeah, you go Iike this.
You go...
Stop that!
- I do not Iook Iike that!
- Yeah, you do!
Oh, my God,
I'm never coming again.
Fine, I'II just never
come again, then.
Nah, baby.
You hate the way I Iook
when I come.
No, I Iove how you Iook
when you come.
You're stiII hard.
I know. It's weird.
It's been a whiIe, though.
He Iikes you .
He wants to impress you,
doesn't want to go away.
Is it aIways Iike this?
OnIy with you.
And when I take a shit.
I have to go to Spain.
That'II be nice.
When do you have to go?