
that she should be
getting kinda soon.

- What did you do?
- Joan, I'II see you Iater.

- What did you do, crazy man?
- Thanks for coming.

Can you beIieve that your
bizarre thing won that prize?

It's insane.
When you're sure that God
has the same intention as you --

not even intention, inspiration --
that it's finally your turn,
the rush, the calm,
the excitement,

the lack of words
to describe that feeling...

those cIhills.
You just get those chills again.
But the sacrifice of love, MicIhael,
the sacrifice
of that kind of love--and life--

when does God teach us
how to do that?

There weren't enough roses
in BarceIona.

They had to fIy them in
from the Canary IsIands.

You are the craziest,
most passionate man I have ever met.

This is incredible.
I mean, there are
so many beautiful roses here.

I can't believe
you're not here to see them.

And the smeII in here
is so amazing.

Where are you?
CaII me!

Okay, I'm at the Ritz in BarceIona.
WeII, yeah, obviousIy
you know where I am.

And I'm gonna be
in Madrid in the morning.

so if I don 't hear from you,
I'm gonna call you, okay?

I want to talk to you,
you crazy man.

Wow, this is so amazing.
