Fierce Creatures

Presumably, he's aware
of Dr. E.F. Schumacher's...

concept oflimited resources or,
asJean-Paul Sartre puts it--

Any sensible questions? Yes.
- Areyou going to close the zoo?
- Yeah.

I'm very glad you asked me that.
- No, you're not.
- Yes, I am.

- No, you're not.
- Now, look.

This zoo has to make money.
It does.
- Yes, yes, but not enough.
- Enough forwhat?

Now, don't--
Actually, I will tell you precisely.
Mr. McCain requires
a 20% return on capital...

from each and every asset
in his empire.

Why 20%?
Because he does, that's why.
Could we explore
that thinking a little?

I thought not.
Despite the fact that current
management theory regards--

Despite the fact that current
management theory regards--

Now, the big problem is this:
How do we cut costs...

and attract more visitors?
I'll tell you from my experience
at Octopus Television...

exactlywhat draws the biggest
audiences all over the world.

Violence. Oh, yes.
Mr. Sylvester Stallone
did not get where he is today...

by playing inJane Austen.
-What's that got to do with it?
-Therefore, in this zoo...

we require only animals
that are potentiallyviolent.

Fierce animals.
All the rest, I'm afraid,
will have to go.

What d'you mean, go?
- We'll have to find them other homes.
- What? Outside the zoo?

This zoo is dedicated
to conservation.

- Yes.
- I am all in favor ofconservation...

and the three things that I
want to conserve are this zoo...

yourjobs and fierce animals.
He barges in here without
the slightest idea ofwhat--

- You two don't seem very upset.
- We are, really.

- Becauseyour animals are fierce?
- No, we think it's--

- Diabolical.
- What does he mean by ''fierce''?
