Fierce Creatures

I know it's only 4,000 miles away,
Nev, but it's a start.

Still, it's tough on Willa,
getting landed with the idiot son.

She can manage him.
She's a natural-born corporate killer.

Right this way, Mr. McCain.
- You have the questions?
- Yes.

Back, Nev.
No. No.
You better send a good
bookkeeperwith him.

He would never dare
try to steal again.

Fakin' my signature.
Not afterwhat happened
to him last time.

That's enough. You must be the
intellectuals. What doyou wanna know ?

Whatabout the5,000layoffs
ifyouclose down in Chicago?

Ifanyemployees were letgo, it would

Ifanyemployees were letgo, it would

because we don't wannaloseanyone

Weat Octopusare in thebusiness
ofjob creation.

Currently, we employmore
than 70,000people worldwide.

Sometimes circumstances require
parts ofthe companytoberelocated.

It's inevitable inanybusiness that's
going to face the competition, and--

Scared? Don't worry about Terry.
He wouldn't hurt a fly.

Actually, he would hurt a fly
being a Mexican redknee tarantula...

Brachypelmasmithi, and therefore
particularly partial to flies.

The point is that Terry...
has a bite relatively
harmless to human beings.

Yetyou reacted
as though he were fierce...

which he isn't!
Yes, I've always had a bit ofa thing
about spiders, actually.

So, ifcreatures
are thought to be fierce...

they are, ipso facto, fierce!
Sorry, Director.
We need the guns.

- What?
- Animal has escaped. We must catch it.
