Fierce Creatures

I bet they're real dogs. Mangy,
nearsighted, weight-watcher rejects.

God, he's so male.
- Him ?
- No,Jambo.

Look. Isn't he wonderful?
- Oh, yeah, yeah.
- Reminds me ofmy father.

Was your father ugly?
No, it'sjust I didn't
get to see him very much.

But when I did, he used to
take me to the Atlanta Zoo...

to see Willy B., the gorilla there.
That's when I felt close to him.
To the gorilla?
No, to my father.
Lifejust seemed simple then.
Yeah. Yeah.
Is this all he does?
I mean, because the zoo is after
the entertainment dollar, right?

Is that the show? Because if
this is the evening performance...

I'm glad I missed the matinee.
What doyou do for an encore?
Fall asleep?

You really don't
like animals, doyou?

It's not that I don't like them.
I just don't see the point.

I rememberwhen I was five,
my mother got me this dog.

I just didn't get it.
I suppose I had nothing
I needed fetched. So I sold him.

- Oh, that's sad.
- Oh, he got over it.

No, foryou. It's very sad foryou
becauseyou couldn't love a puppy.

This is the kind ofconversation two
people have when one ofthem is female.

- Celebrate our partnership.
- Our partnership.

That's right.
However, there'sjust one thing
I couldn't help noticing.

I don't know ifyou did.
We still have separate bedrooms.

Just missed.
I mean, we have
taken over the zoo.

We are here in England.
