
It does put the pressure
on the professor to show up.

If he forgets this time,
that`s it.

Well, in his case,
once is justifiable...

and twice is understandable,
but three times--

Coming through!
Morning-- or afternoon,
whatever the case may be.

We have a lot to talk about today,
so let`s get into it without delay.

Oh! Oh, uh, thank you,
whoever gave me the plate of fruit...

and the dead pheasant,
but it does not count
as extra credit.

Last time we were talking about
Newton`s Law of Gravitation.

To review: We see this "G"
is like the "C" in E=MC squared.

It`s a constant, constant universe,
as much as anything
is constant in the universe.

It`s saying that the force of
attraction between two bodies...

is in direct proportion to
the product of their masses...

and in inverse proportion to the square
of the distance between them.

An example would be-- Let`s make, uh,
naked man, "M-1." Naked lady, "M-2."

Now, according to this formula,
their attractive forces...

would want to close
the distance to zero.

Why don`t they? Hmm?
The Earth! Ah.
So, in essence that is
gravity and this...

is "Dr Richards Life Drawing."
It`s not my class, is it?
Phillip! Over here!
Sara! Ooh! Very sorry.
And so, momentum.
May I sit here? Thank you.
Hello, Sara.
What a pleasant surprise.

- Hello, Ruthie.
- Martha.

- Martha what?
- Martha. Me Martha.

You Martha. Me professor.
- Yes, I know.
- I was just gonna, you know,

grade my lunch, eat a few tests
and hope for the best.
