That`s ridiculous.
I love you with all my heart.
With every cell, with every
molecule, with every atom.
I love you on a subatomic level.
Hmm! Prove it to me
tonight at 6:30.
Prove what, honey?
- That you love me.
- I love you.
- 6:30.
- Good luck.
Thank you, Betty.
I knew I shouldn`t
have come, but--
Oh, l`m very crazy about him,
you see, Miss French.
And this is the God`s truth:
I want him to have
what he wants,
even if it means
you instead of me.
No, no! You love him.
Don`t give him up.
Hey! l`m watching something!
- Weber!
- Why don`t you be quiet?
I`m watching TV.
Download some manners! Ohh!
Oh, but he ain`t in love
with me, Miss French.
Mmm. Tell me about it.
Hello, Phil.
What are you working on?
Can`t remember?
I understand.
It`s a damn shame they`re
shutting your college down.
I read about it in the paper.
- It`s not over yet.
- Oh, we`re doing fine at Rutland.
No such financial problems. Hey!
Are you still working on
that lighter-than-air compound?
It`s a, uh,
propulsive polymer and--
I don`t mean to be rude,
Wilson, but l-- I have to go.
You don`t seem too happy
to see me, Phil.
- I`m not.
- Well--
All the years we`ve known
each other, studying, working together.
- What happened between us, Phil?
- Well, I just got tired of you
stealing my ideas, Wilson.