Oh, bless you. You have a cold.
You should.
It`s 77 degrees Kelvin.
That`s very cold.
Look. Come on.
All right, uh,
let`s try and describe you.
Uh, you`re an elastomer.
Yes, uh, um--
Ooh! You`re highly viscous.
But yet you can
phase-shift. Hoo!
Well, uh, let`s see.
You`re mouldable. Oh.
It`s a little ticklish.
You`re foldable.
You`re gullible.
Oh. All right. Let`s see.
Oh, wait a minute. Okay. And--
Ooh. You`re ductile.
Oh! Oh. You`re elastic.
Let`s just see
how elastic you are. Okay.